book a free consultation:

We understand finding a therapist in Los Angeles can feel daunting. That's why we like to start with a brief phone call with our Care Coordinator where you can ask any questions you might have and we can get a sense of what you are looking for. Phone consultations are complimentary and last about 15 minutes. From there you may decide to schedule a consultation with one of our therapists or you may wish to take some time to think about it. Either way, we're here to make the process of finding a therapist a little easier!

Our therapists are listed below if you’d like to learn more about them ahead of your call with our Care Coordinator.


book with our team

Isabel Kindberg


Isabel is accepting new clients.

Resha Altai


Resha is accepting new clients.

Imuri Pachecho

Imuri is accepting new clients.

Melissa Hood


Melissa is accepting new clients.

Melissa Tines


Melissa is accepting new clients.

Jenny Walters


Jenny is not currently accepting new clients.

Courtney Renick-Mayer

Practice Manager

Not sure who you want to work with? Schedule a consultation with Courtney to learn more about our clinicians and who might be the best fit for you.

Wade Mollison


Wade is accepting new clients.

Catalina Haaga


Catalina is accepting new clients.

Sarah Callender


Sarah is not currently accepting new clients.

