Therapy for Adult Children of Narcissistic Parents 

Breaking Free from Your Emotionally Immature Parent

If you were raised by a self-centered, controlling, or narcissistic parent, their emotional immaturity likely wounded you deeply. We know how painful it feels when a parent fails to provide the nurturing that every child deserves. The good news is that you have the power to heal, even when dealing with the effects of an immature parent. 

Though the impacts of growing up with an emotionally immature parent run deep, your future is unwritten. With the right resources, tools, and therapist you can find tranquility within, kicking those old thought patterns and behaviors to the curb. 

At Highland Park Holistic Psychotherapy, we want to help support you in breaking free frompasthurtsto build resilient relationships - starting with the one you have with yourself.

Am I Living With An Emotionally Immature Parent?

It’s possible you may have experienced living with an emotionally immature or narcissistic parent if your parent often: 

  • Dismissed your emotional needs and reactions as silly or wrong 

  • Made you feel like your thoughts/feelings were too demanding 

  • Struggled to put your needs before their own

Then emotional immaturity may be at play. When exploring your relationship with a narcissist, it is important to recognize what narcissism means, how those behaviors showed up in your life, and when it is time to set healthy boundaries with your emotionally immature parent. A trained Highland Park trauma therapist will be able to guide you through this intimate process. 

The pain this caused wasn’t your fault, and you don’t have to live with it. However, you may still carry shame that keeps you feeling small. Our trained therapists are here to help you find peace amongst the negative feelings that have followed you through life.

How Can I Heal My Emotional Wounds?  

In working through relational trauma after being raised by a narcissistic parent, people often share that they feel: 

  • Guilt for having boundaries or needs 

  • Anxiety about relationships or lack of self-worth 

  • Like a people-pleaser, overachiever, or perfectionist 

You are not alone, and we believe your painful relational patterns can change. You are deserving of relationships where you feel validated, comforted, and supported. Our goal is to help you find the strength within yourself to foster healthy self-worth, so that you can carry that into every component of your life.

Together, we can help you: 

  • Embrace self-compassion to quiet your inner critic 

  • Unpack complex feelings toward your parent 

  • Establish boundaries that honor your emotional needs 

  • Rewrite old narratives that no longer serve you 

Get Support from a Therapist in Highland Park

You deserved better, and still do. Now is your chance to rewrite the story - on your own terms. Our Los Angeles support team has walked this journey before with great success. We believe in your ability to build healthy, fulfilling relationships. Let today mark the first step toward lasting inner peace.

Contact ustoday to learn how to get started on your holistic healing journey.


Other Services Offered With Highland Park Therapy

Our team of holistic LA therapists is here to support you on your unique healing journey. We provide a wide range of mental health services — both through online therapy statewide in California as well as in-person at our Los Angeles, CA office. Other services we offer include depression treatment, teen therapy, grief counseling, eating disorders, HSP therapy, and LGBTQ+ therapy. We would be honored to support you in learning new coping methods to help you cope with future anxiety symptoms. You can also read more by visiting our blog, FAQ, about us, or groups page.