Eating Disorder Treatment in Los Angeles, CA

healing is possible and you don’t have to do it alone.

Eating disorders are serious. They have the potential to be life-threatening conditions. Due to this, they need immediate intervention. They can result in serious consequences for your health, emotional wellbeing, and relationships.

Contact us today to schedule an appointment with one of our holistic therapists. We have therapists who are trained in helping people with eating disorders.

What is an eating disorder?

To put it in simple terms, an eating disorder exists when someone experiences an intense preoccupation with food, exercise, and control. This may result in significant mental, physical, and emotional strain and distress. And often emotional stress and trauma can lead to an eating disorder.

Additionally, it’s also vital that we explore some of the different types of eating disorders. And some of the patterns they show:

  • Bulimia Nervosa: a pattern of inducing vomiting after eating. This often follows a meal or consuming a large amount of food very fast.

  • Anorexia Nervosa: an avoidance and preoccupation with restricting food to avoid gaining weight. Or, to lose more weight.

  • Orthorexia Nervosa: a preoccupation with eating only foods categorized as healthy or “clean.” For example, this could be like avoiding specific food groups. This could be due to a belief that they are “bad,” processed, or high in carbohydrates.

  • Binge Eating Disorder: The consumption of large amounts of food and a feeling of not being able to stop eating.

What’s the difference between an eating disorder and disordered eating?

As with many mental health topics, this question requires a nuanced approach and answer. To put it in simple terms, an eating disorder can interfere with a person's ability to take part in daily tasks. In other cases, disordered eating can exist. Sometimes, it does so in a quiet way. This is because eating habits and patterns don’t have a strong impact on one’s ability or desire to socialize, eat consistent meals, etc.

So for example, someone with disordered eating may restrict their diet. Or, mindlessly eat between meals. On the other hand, someone with an eating disorder such as Anorexia or Bulimia may avoid attending dinner with friends or co-workers. They may do this because they’re fearful of eating with others. And, not being able to exercise the same level of control, restriction, or binging, they would in private.

How we support individuals navigating eating disorders and body image concerns -

Some forms of eating disorder treatment have eating behaviors as the main focus. Therapists at Highland Park Holistic Psychotherapy approach eating disorder treatment from a depth therapy perspective. This means we look at the whole person.

With your eating disorder therapist, you will work to uncover any unconsciously held beliefs that you have inside. These beliefs may have led to using control around eating as a way to try and stay safe on an emotional level. When appropriate we will recommend working with a nutritionist and incorporate tools to help you reduce your behaviors and heal your relationship with food.

An image of a person flipping through a book with food nearby. Eating disorder treatment in Los Angeles, CA can help improve your relationship with food. Learn more about binge eating disorder treatment in Los Angeles, CA.

When we can understand the connection between our beliefs and emotions that grew from past experiences and even trauma, healing starts. Along with this, behaviors around eating start to change as well.

This kind of therapy will include emotional processing and trauma therapy. This would help to make your nervous system and body start to feel safe in the world again. You will also have the grounding safety of the relationship you develop with your therapist.

If you’re ready to find some support, reach out to our team of holistic therapists in Los Angeles for support. 

our holistic approach to eating disorder treatment


sunlight spills over the hill onto a beach in Los Angeles, CA.

Begin Eating Disorder Treatment in Los Angeles, CA - Telehealth OR In-person

Are you ready to start your therapy journey? If you're interested in learning about our therapists in Los Angeles, CA schedule a complimentary phone consult. You will be able to connect with our Care Coordinator to get started. Our team would be happy to offer support. To start your therapy journey, please follow these simple steps:

  1. Contact Highland Park Therapy by clicking the button below

  2. Meet with an eating disorder therapist

  3. Start creating a better relationship with food

Other Therapy Offerings at Highland Park Holistic Psychotherapy

Eating disorder treatment isn’t the only service we offer at our holistic group practice in Highland Park. Some of the other mental health services Highland Park Holistic Psychotherapy provides include anxiety treatment, trauma counseling, EMDR, depression treatment, couples therapy, and group therapy. We are also happy to provide LGBTQ+ affirmative support and services to all. We offer both in-person and through telehealth.