Healing the Emotional Wounds: A Deep Dive into Therapy for Adult Children of Narcissistic Parents

The journey of healing is a profound and transformative experience, especially for adult children of emotionally immature parents.

In this post, we delve into therapy tailored to support those who are navigating the challenging terrain of narcissistic parenting. This therapeutic process can empower individuals to heal emotional wounds, rediscover themselves, and embrace a life of resilience.

A woman writes notes while looking at her laptop. This could represent the search for a trauma therapist in Los Angeles, CA that can help adult children of narcissistic parents. Search for EMDR therapy in Los Angeles, CA or highly sensitive person th

How Growing Up with an Emotionally Immature or Narcissistic Parent in Childhood Impacts Adult Life

Growing up with a narcissistic parent casts a long shadow that significantly influences various aspects of adult life. The impact reverberates through emotional, psychological, and relational dimensions, shaping the individual's worldview and self-perception. Children raised by narcissistic parents often contend with diminished self-esteem, as their accomplishments are overshadowed or devalued.

Relationally, one way this might manifest is that the narcissistic parent struggles to relate to the child as a three-dimensional human, instead expressing frustration and devaluing the child when they behave less than perfect or at times idealizing them when a child accomplishes something. The child, in turn, learns their own self-worth is, in the eyes of the parent, conditional and their attachment to the parent unstable. What results is an adult who struggles to know they matter with fragile self-esteem.

The pervasive need for validation can manifest in relationships, leading to difficulties in setting and maintaining healthy boundaries. Moreover, the emotional unpredictability experienced during childhood may contribute to challenges in managing stress and anxiety as adults.

Unique Challenges of Adult Children of Emotionally Immature Parents

It’s important to acknowledge the distinctive challenges faced by adult children of narcissistic parents—from emotional wounds to impacting self-esteem, and relationships along with overall well-being

  • Low Self-Esteem or self-worth

  • Difficulty Establishing Boundaries

  • Seeking External Validation

  • Fear of Rejection

  • Challenges in Trusting Others

  • Perfectionism and Overachievement

  • Impaired Emotional Regulation

  • Difficulty in Forming Healthy Relationships

  • Fear of Confrontation

  • Anxiety and Depression

A close up of a woman with a clipboard gesturing while sitting across from a woman. This could represent the support an HSP therapist in Los Angeles, CA can offer. Search for the help EMDR therapy in Los Angeles, CA can offer for coping with narcissi

How Therapy Can Provide Support For Adult Children of Narcissistic Parents

Below are just a few ways that therapy provides a space for clients to express their emotions and experiences without judgment and helps clients foster a sense of validation, empowerment, and self-acceptance:

Reclaiming Identity

Therapy can be a wonderful resource for those who are exploring, rediscovering, or reclaiming one's authentic self beyond the influence of narcissistic parenting. Therapists guide individuals through a process of self-exploration, helping them peel away layers of conditioning and reclaim a positive self-image.


Our therapists are informed about the ways relationships with those who have narcissistic tendencies can be detrimental to self-confidence and having a sense of empowerment. Therapy can be a space that both empowers and equips individuals with the tools to set and maintain healthy boundaries, enhancing their ability to navigate relationships with a sense of strength and assertiveness.

Boundary Setting

Our team of holistic therapists in Los Angeles is here to support clients in using their empowered self to set boundaries that protect their sense of inner safety and overall well-being. The intent of having and holding boundaries isn’t to create more disconnection or isolation, but rather to help create opportunities for connection in your life that is supportive and healing. So, this work will be centered around exploring what boundaries may feel essential to set with others in your life—what dynamics you won’t tolerate and what you do want to allow and make space for. Boundaries are dynamic, in that they may change over time. Our clients often find their boundary work with narcissistic parents to be similar, with their needs shifting as they access more healing and self-worth for themselves.

A woman stands in the light of a sunny forest with eyes closed. This could represent the benefits of cultivating self worth after working with a trauma therapist in Los Angeles, CA. Search for EMDR therapy in Los Angeles, CA or trauma therapy in Los

Connect with a Trauma Therapist in Los Angeles, CA—Get Support for Your Healing Journey

Our team is here to offer support for those navigating the emotional complexity of recovering as an adult who experienced a relationship with a parent or caregiver with narcissistic tendencies. We would be happy to offer support in coping with past trauma. You can start your therapy journey with Highland Park Therapy by following these simple steps:

  1. Contact us here or schedule a free 15-minute phone consultation

  2. Meet with a caring therapist

  3. Start overcoming emotional wounds!

Other Services Offered with Highland Park Therapy

Trauma therapy isn’t the only service we offer therapeutic support with. At Highland Park Therapy, we provide a wide range of mental health services through online therapy statewide in California as well as in-person at our Los Angeles, CA office. Other services we offer include depression treatment, teen therapy, grief counseling, eating disorders, and stress management therapy. We also offer EMDR, HSP counseling, religious trauma therapy, and couples therapy. You can also read more by visiting our blog, FAQ, about us, or groups page.

Jenny Walters